Friday, October 7, 2011

AJIICHIBAN's Cartoon Jelly Sweets

This morning, Japanese boss gave all the ladies a little surprise... See what he bought from HongKong!!!!!!!! Oh my god!!!!!! Cartoon jelly sweets~~~~ THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Puppy!!!!! with flowers on it's body ehhh~ So nice!!!!

this one.... I guess it is a Snake! I don't know what it looks like if it is not a snake... but it is cute lohhhh~

Hahahahahhaa! The facial expression of this little chick made me laughed!!!!! Kawaii desuyo!

Lastly, Ngao Ngao!!!!!!!!!!!! CUTE ahhhh~~~ Ladybird on it's head! it wears coat hor.... see the nose! omg!!!!

Group photo! Are you smiling when you are reading this???? I bet you are! Hahaha.... Cheers!

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