Monday, October 3, 2011

I am 24!!!!!! OMG!!!

Surprise Cake during working hour on 26.09.2011! Hahaha~ Super nice Mango cheesecake! Thanks my colleagues who gave me the surprise, really get shocked!!! Thank you very much~~~ T_T

Make a wish~ Make a wish!!!!! Can't believe I am 24!!!!!!!!! Time flies~~ Scary..... Can I like year year 23???? hahaha... I like 23 lehhh ;)

Can't wait to eat this super delicious cake!!!!!!!!!!! CUT CUT CUT!!!!!!!!!! Cheers~~~~~

I Hope........... World peace!!!!!! Hahaha... Yeah!!!! Thanks again to my beloved colleagues!

Oh ya... Not forget this daisy flower from one of my colleagues "YY"!!!!! Thank you so much for the flower ya...

Irene! Thank you for making effort on this mini-cake! I really love it!!!!!! I don't understand why you keep saying you are very very disappointed with the cake! Why???? Very nice ehhhh~

Another surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Adidas vouchers!!!!!!!!!! Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you Irene, Jolly and BF, Connie, ChaiFang and BF, Lance........ THANKS!!!!! T_T

And........ things I carried all the way on my Birthday!!! Hahahaha.... Jolly's idea!!! Super super cuteeee! Really out of my expectation, I don't know how come suddenly so many people appeared on that day! Thank you guys!!!!

Hehehehe~ I brought Sleepy Joe along!!!! Joe: Happy Birthday to Cindy! 24 year old already, behave yourself, childish always~~~ ;)

I had enjoyed!!!!!! Last photo for you! Hahahaha! Nerd Look! Happy 24th Birthday to myself~~~ Thank you mom and dad, thank you brothers, thanks all my friends.. THANK YOU!!! =D

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