Monday, August 22, 2011

I LIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Sunday afternoon........... I was asking my mom what to eat for lunch??? hmmm, I don't feel like eating fish, meats, seafood, I don't feel like eating those~~~ Actually, I was craving for this (pictures) long long time already!!!!!!! This is what we called 客家擂茶 (HAKKA GROUND TEA) ~ So....... Mom fetched me to eat what I wantttttt to eat!!!!!!! EAT EAT EAT!!!! =P

I ate a few pcs of pumpkins-kuih made by my aunty in the morning! I was not so hungry, so, I only want vegetables without rice~ Yeah Yeah! So happy to see 'green-green-food'!!!!!!! Hahaha... I like Hakka Ground Tea very much! Ooops, sorry ya, I forgot to take the photo of the 'soup' =.="

This was mommy's bowl~ Errrr, we called this as "mi dang"~ I don't know what it's called in english.... It is crunchy-crispy-rice!!!! Hahaha... I anyhow named it! *Claps* Yummy Yummy!!!!!! =D

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