Monday, September 19, 2011

Cake 'drawing/decorating' @ Icing Room [10 September 2011]

Here comes September!!! As a committee member in CFCSG who in charge of monthly birthday cake, I was @ Icing Room again to 'draw/decorate' cake for all the September babies!!!! I decided to 'draw' Chelsea no. 9 (Torres's face) on the cake... Let's start! =)

Tool to use??? one toothpick is enough! hehehe... roughly 'draw' the outline~~~

Tik-tok Tik-tok Tik-tok..... next, colouring!!!!! =D  Due to limited choices of colour, I had to 'paint' the face in yellow and pink hair! Luckily, still looks OK la... right?  =P

Closer look of the cake!!!!! Colouring still in progress~~~ My colleague said he looks so GAY with the RED lips~ Hahahaha.... No choice ler....  But SEXY mah, the lips!!!

Tadahhhhh~~~~~~ DONE!!!!!! Thinking not to put name but then.... I scared hor later no people know who is this... so, I better write his name under his face with number 9!!!!

Happy Birthday to all the September babies!!! (included ME!) hahaha... Mission completed! Oh yeah~ Happy!!!!

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