Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Didier Drogba =]

A quick sketch of my favourite Chelsea's player on the day where he decided to leave the club and when I had only 4-colours ball pen with me!

Monday, May 21, 2012

A Farewell Drawing for Boss

I started my 'chibi drawing' from the boss~ =)

and then..... followed by those ladies who joined the company by year.

Finally~~~ I sketch all of them (including me of course!) haha... =D

Now, I need to use black ink pen and 'draw' them out!

After that, I cut them out one by one and then placed on a drawing paper for photo!
Oh ya~ This is how they look like before I cut them out individually! ;)
Pasted all of them on a Manila Card! hmm.. thinking not to colour but then colleagues said make some colours.
Tadahhhh~ Task completed!!!!! My first time to draw 'cute people' and so many of them!!!!! I am happy with the outcome! Yeahh! I did it~

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Made With Love - Birthday Card 03042012

This is for YY on her birthday 03 April 2012.
(The front look of the card, Melody I printed out =P )

                                The back look of the card~ Nothing special, just for memory!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


WOW! The 1st X'mas present in 2011~~~~~ See what I got from my superior... Haha..  Is a super cute notebook (diary) for me to write things on it!!!! Omg!  Can I just keep it? Want me to WRITE ON IT? are you kidding?


~Heartbroken bunny~

~HeartBroken Bunny~ with LOMO effect (if I am not wrong)

"Sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow; we must fail in order to know. Sometimes our vision only clears after our eyes are washed away with tears."

Toys from DreamWorld KTV @ Segamat

Cute???? Blue one is boy, pink one is girl~~~~ 5 of us went to DreamWorld KTV on Saturday late night and we get these cute dolls when we sign up as member!!!  COOL right?

1....2....3....4....5.... Myself, Nancy, Irene, Tango & Nicole! Everyone got their membership card and number! Hahaha... Next time go to sing again then we can get 10% off! 
p/s: I am not good in singing.... I think I only sing 2 songs??? I like to listen! =)

Cake 'drawing/decorating' @ Icing Room [03 December 2011]

December is here!!!!!!! Time FLIES!!!! X'mas is coming!!!!! A December Cake is needed on 3rd December 2011. What to draw/decorate again????? hmmm... This is what I found from ChelseaFC website! =)

Tadahhhhh~ I 'transformed' him on the cake! Hahaha... Edited a bit...  Look OK hor?

I am Blue Santa Claus!!!! Am I look COOL to you? Hoo Hoo Hoohhh~~~

Anyone of you who reading this is born in December????? Yes??? No??? You??? You??? and You??? Just to wish all of YOU : Happy Birthday! & Merry X'mas =D

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Another birthday girl from my lunch gang!!!! This is the birthday card.... You must be guessing, am I the one who made this?????? HAHAHAHA!  Am i right?????  The answer is..... OF COURSE NO LAHHH~~  Card itself bought from a creative craft event. What I did was the Hello Kitty... I printed out and then coloured.

Flip the card...... and you will see another Hello Kitty with Cake as well as wishing for her too! I wanted to draw the Hello Kitty but then a bit difficult for me because very easy to get out-of-shape... So, I traced it and then coloured.

Since she loves Hello Kitty so much, I printed Hello Kitty Face, coloured, cut, and then paste here! Hehehe...

Cake 'drawing/decorating' @ Icing Room [20 Nov 2011]

He is Stamford from Stamford Bridge! He got number 00 behind his jersey! Haha...

hmm... Draw too big, another foot not enough space.. =P

Side view from right =)

Side view from Left =)

Full view!!!! hehe... I wanna say: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EVERYONE WHO BORN IN NOVEMBER!!!!!



Yeahh! New Cloth for 'the handsome'!

Yuhooooo! Customised ipod touch cover! Just for my handsome! Bought this from Ebay! Wahahahahaha~~~~

Tinkerbell!!!!!!!!!!! and Cindy Chelsea! Nice??? =D

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

CFCSG 4th Anniversary Cake!

29 October 2011... CFCSG celebrated 4th birthday!!!!

Full view of the 3kg cake ordered from Icing Room!

We are..... CHELSEA FC........

......... SUPPORTERS' ..........

................. CLUB .............

............. SINGAPORE ............

Closer Look of the Cake! What I did was only the WORDS... So, what about the Chelsea Logo???? Well, that was a chocolate! Did by a very sweet and pretty girl named Chomel... She did the chocolate at home and then passed to me @ Icing Room~ Awesome right? the logo.... =)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


This is one of the songs in my ipod touch..... I found it super cute!!!
Okay, here we go..... for the lyrics and the translation~

Artist: Chino y Nacho
Mi niña bonita  (My Pretty Girl)

Lo que siento por ti       (What I feel for you)
Es ternura y pasión      (Is tenderness and passion)
Tú me has hecho sentir que   (You've made me feel that)
Hay en mi corazón   (Inside my heart there is)
Tanto amor   (So much love)
Tanto amor   (So much love)
Yo nací para ti   (I was born for your sake)
Y tú también para mí   (You were born for mine too)
Y ahora sé que morir es tratar de vivir  (And now I know that dying is trying to live)
Sin tu amor   (Without your love)
Sin tu amor   (Without your love)
Mi niña bonita mi dulce princesa   (My pretty girl, my sweet princess)
Me siento en las nubes cuando tú me besas  (I feel on cloud nine whenever you kiss me)
Y siento que vuelo más alto que el cielo  (And feel I can fly higher than the sky)
Si tengo de cerca el olor de tú pelo   (If I have the fragrance of your hair near me)
Mi niña bonita, brillante lucero  (My pretty girl, shining star)
Te queda pequeña la frase "Te quiero"  (The words "I like you" are not enough for you)
Por eso mis labios te dicen "Te amo"  (That's why my lips say "I love you" to you)
Cuando estamos juntos más nos enamoramos  (When we're together we fall deeper in love)
Aquí hay amor   (There is love here)
Aquí hay amor   (There is love here)
Aquí hay amor, amor   (There is love here, love)
Aquí hay amor, amor   (There is love here, love)
Aquí hay hay hay hay hay hay  (There is there is there is there is there is there is)
Amor  (Love here)
Este amor que como espuma sube  (This love that rises like foam)
Que cuando te tomo de la  (When I hold)
Mano por el parque  (Your hand in the park)
Camino en las nubes  (I feel on cloud nine)
Parece mentira que ya no recuerdo  (You may think I'm lying but I don't remember)
Nada cuando solo estuve  (At all when I was lonely)
Nada se podrá comparar con algo tan especial  (Nothing can compare with something as special as this)
Nada se compara con lo nuestro mi vida  (Nothing can compare with our relationship, darling)
Le agradezco al tiempo  (I thank time)
Que me ha demostrado que las cosas buenas llegan  (For it has shown me that good things come)
En cualquier momento  (At any given moment)
Yo no imaginaba que conocería  (I never imagined I would get to know)
Algún día este sentimiento  (This feeling, someday)
Un amor  (A love that's)
Puro y natural  (Pure and natural)
Digno de admirar  (Worth of admiration)
(Digno de admirar, princesa)  (Worth of admiration, princess)
Un amor de fantasía, lleno de romance y alegría  (A fantasy-like love, full of romance and joy)
De bello detalle cada día  (With beautiful details everyday)
Nena, quién lo diría (Baby, who would have guessed)
Que algún día yo me enamoraría  (That someday I would fall in love)
Y que sin tu amor  (And that without your love)
No viviría  (I wouldn't be alive)
¿Cómo sabia que esto pasaría?  (How did I know that this would happen?)
Que ibas a ser mía  (That you were going to be mine)
Y que yo querría  (And that I would want)
Amarte por siempre, mi niña bonita  (To love you forever, my pretty girl)
Mi niña bonita, mi dulce princesa  (My pretty girl, my sweet princess)
Me siento en las nubes cuando tú me besas  (I feel on cloud nine whenever you kiss me)
Y siento que vuelo más alto que el cielo  (And feel I can fly higher than the sky)
Si tengo de cerca el olor de tú pelo  (If I have the fragrance of your hair near me)
Mi niña bonita, brillante lucero  (My pretty girl, shining star)
Te queda pequeña la frase "Te quiero"  (The words "I like you" are not enough for you)
Por eso mis labios te dicen "Te amo"   (That's why my lips say "I love you" to you)
Cuando estamos juntos más nos enamoramos  (When we're together we fall deeper in love)
Aquí hay amor   (There is love here)
(Mi niña bonita)  (My pretty girl)
Aquí hay amor   (There is love here)
(Mi niña bonita)   (My pretty girl)
Aquí hay amor, amor   (There is love here, love)
Aquí hay amor, amor   (There is love here, love)
Aquí hay hay hay hay hay hay   (There is there is there is there is there is there is)
Amor   (Love here)
Desde este momento no podrás sacarte esta canción de tú cabeza   (From this moment on you won't be able to get this song out of your head)  
Chino y Nacho   (Chino and Nacho)
Mi niña Bonita   (My pretty girl)
Tú y únicamente tú   (You and only you)
Mi niña bonita   (My pretty girl)
Más nah   (And nothing else)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I am EMO!!!!!!!! Sometimes I just wanna tell those people: FUCK OFF!!!!!!!! You guys really really sibeh irritating at the wrong time~~~~~~~~  Since early early morning until now, I dont feel like saying anything because everything/everyone seems like pissed me off!!!!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

AJIICHIBAN's Cartoon Jelly Sweets

This morning, Japanese boss gave all the ladies a little surprise... See what he bought from HongKong!!!!!!!! Oh my god!!!!!! Cartoon jelly sweets~~~~ THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Puppy!!!!! with flowers on it's body ehhh~ So nice!!!!

this one.... I guess it is a Snake! I don't know what it looks like if it is not a snake... but it is cute lohhhh~

Hahahahahhaa! The facial expression of this little chick made me laughed!!!!! Kawaii desuyo!

Lastly, Ngao Ngao!!!!!!!!!!!! CUTE ahhhh~~~ Ladybird on it's head! it wears coat hor.... see the nose! omg!!!!

Group photo! Are you smiling when you are reading this???? I bet you are! Hahaha.... Cheers!


Colleague's birthday.... Thinking to make a card... and 'animals' came to my mind.... So, I draw our lunch gang from the elder to the younger one.... Rooster, rabbits, dragon, horse and sheep!

Ok, this time with black ink pen! Clearer!!!! =)

and then.............. COLOURS!!!!!!!!!! hehehe... I felt happy when I finished colour them~~~

@#$%*!~ picture tak boleh rotate again!Birthday girl born in Moo Moo Year! Hehehehe....

Front page of the card! I draw a Big Cow for the Birthday girl for her Big Day!!!! 05.10.2011

Dang Dang Dang~~~~ Full with lunch gang wishes!!!!!!!! Hahahaha... Really funny~

Back page of the card!!!!!!! Another moo moo for her! -Just for you- ;)